Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

I finished listening to Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling. This is the sixth book of the Harry Potter book series. There is seven books of the Harry Potter book series.

Big Warning: there is one sad, sad part.

Since most people have seen the movies and read the book, here’s a quick summary: Harry Potter gets a potion book that a person called Half Blood Prince used to own. The potion book has more than potions and Harry uses the book to score some nice potions in potions class. Harry also is asked by Dumbledore to attend some lessons with him. The lessons are memories about Tim Riddle who becomes Lord Voldemort. He learns a great deal about Tim Riddle’s past. He also spies on Draco who is up to no good. Harry also gets a memory repaired from the potion teacher. He later learns who the Half-Blood Prince is.

Differences between movie and book:

  1. There are more lessons Harry takes with Dumbledore in the book than in the movie.
  2. Harry is at his uncle’s house at the beginning of the book. In the movie he is at diner.
  3. Dumbledore tells Harry that he wants to teach him in a shed in the book, not at the school.
  4. Harry lands in the infirmary after a quitch match in the book.
  5. Ron doesn’t say Hermione’s name while in the infirmary in the book.
  6. Dumbledore’s funeral is in the book.

I did like this book.  I’m listening to next Harry Potter and the Deathly Harrows by J.K. Rowling. It is the last book of the Harry Potter book series.

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