Maleficent: Mistress of Evil

I watched Maleficent: Mistress of Evil. Yes, I have had seen the first one. I actually saw the first one with my mother when it came out. I watched the first one again because I couldn’t remember some of it. This movie has Angelina Jolie (love her), Elle Fanning, Harris Dickinson, Michelle Pfeiffer, Sam Riley, Chiwetel Ejiofor,
Ed Skrein, and Robert Lindsay.

Big Warning: there is some violence. Spoiler Below.

In this movie, Prince Philip asks Aurora to marry him and she says yes. Maleficent doesn’t like this, but ends up getting caught up in because Prince Philip’s mother asks for her to come to dinner to celebrate. But his mother has other plans. She wants to get rid of her husband and take over the magical moor. She puts asleep her husband with a spindle and blame the spell on Maleficent. Maleficent gets hurt while leaving and taken to a magical place in the sky. She finds out who she is and that there is more like her. The other dark fairies want war against the humans. They do go to war. Prince Philip’s mother also asks all the magical beings from the moor to the wedding just to try to kill them. Aurora figures out what really happened and she tries to save all the magical beings. In the end, Maleficent saves everyone and takes down the evil queen. Prince Philip and Aurora marry and they live in peace with the magical creatures and the dark fairies.

I loved this movie. I found out there will be a third movie. Next week I’m watching another sleeping beauty movie.

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